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Which renters, if any, are exempt from paying tourist tax?
This answer has been viewed 6752 times and was last updated on 09/15/2017.
For exemptions to tourist tax, see Florida Administrative Code 12A-1.061.
(a) Owners or operators of migrant labor camps, as defined in Section 212.03(7)(d), F.S., and housing authorities that are specifically exempt under Section 423.02, F.S., are not exercising a taxable privilege when in the business of renting, leasing, letting, or granting licenses to others to use, occupy, or enter upon such facilities and are not required to register with the Department.
(b) Any person who exclusively enters into a bona fide written lease, as provided in subsection (17), for continuous residence for periods longer than six months to lease, let, rent, or grant a license to others to use, occupy, or enter upon any transient accommodation is not required to register with the Department.
(c) Institutions designed and operated primarily for the care of persons who are ill, aged, infirm, mentally or physically incapacitated or for any reason dependent upon special care or attention are not providing transient accommodations to the patient, as provided in Section 212.03, F.S., and are not required to register with the Department. Charges made for living accommodations to the patients in such facilities are not subject to the tax imposed under Section 212.03, F.S. Charges made for transient accommodations to any person other than the patient by the institution are subject to tax under the provisions of this rule and any institution that makes such charges is required to register with the Department.
(d) Day nurseries, kindergartens, and church-operated or other custodial camps that primarily provide professional and personal supervisory and instructional services are not required to register with the Department or collect tax on their charges for lodging to the students or campers.
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