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Which driver license services are considered full service?
This answer has been viewed 76132 times and was last updated on 03/20/2024.
All of the following driver license services are considered full service and are available only at our Driver License office, located at 904 301 Boulevard West, Bradenton. An appointment is required. Use our online appointment system to schedule your appointment. For more information, read our Driver License office publication.
For information, consult the resource that applies to your transaction type.
Commercial driver license (CDL):
- Driver license and ID card publication – renewal, replacement, or address change
- Hazmat publication – original, transfer to Florida, renewal, or replacement
- Out-of-state driver license transfer publication – transfer to Florida
- Commercial Driver Licenses publication
- Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles' commercial driver license self-certification system – update medical card/information
Concealed weapon license:
- Concealed weapon license publication – original license and renewal
Driver license testing:
- Driving skills road test publication – Class E
- Written testing publication – learner, Class E, and commercial
- Referred for medical review publication
Español -
- Información e Instrucciones Para el Examen Práctico de Manejo - Clase E
- Exámenes Escritos - aprendiz, Clase E, y comercial
Florida Class E driver license or ID card:
- Immigrant publication
- Non-immigrant publication
- Are you in the United States under Temporary Protected Status (TPS)? Refer to our TPS publication for additional transaction requirements.
- Canadian citizen publication
- Original or lost out-of-state driver license publication – transcript is required
- Eye specialist referral publication – retest after visiting an eye specialist
- Driving transcripts publication – certified and uncertified transcripts
Florida Wildlife Conservation Commission lifetime license designation:
- Lifetime hunting and fishing license designations publication – add to or remove from Florida driver license or ID card
Learner license:
- Learner license upgrade to Class E publication – need to take the driving skills road test
- First-time learner license publication – need to take written testing
Español –
- Actualización de la Licencia de Aprendizaje a la Clase E - necesita tomar el examen de conducir
- Licencia de Aprendizaje por Primera vez - necesita tomar pruebas escritas
Suspension, pending or possible suspension, and clearance:
Sexual predators/offenders and career offenders must visit our Driver License office for all driver license and ID card transactions.
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