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Which driver license services are considered limited service?
This answer has been viewed 41867 times and was last updated on 01/02/2024.
All of the following driver license services are considered limited service and can be processed at our DeSoto office, Lakewood Ranch office, and North River office. Use our online appointment system to schedule an appointment.
For information, consult the resource that applies to your transaction type.
Driver license (Class E) or ID card for US citizen or naturalized US citizen:
- First-Time ID Card Issuance (Never been issued ID anywhere) - Read our ID card publication.
- First-Time Learner License - Written Testing must be complete to process at a limited service office. Read our first-time learner license publication.
- Learner License Upgrade to Class E - You must pass the Driving Skills Road Test with a third party provider to process at a limited service office. Read our learner license upgade to Class E publication.
- Renewal, replacement, address change, or name change – Read our driver license and ID card publication.
- Out-of-state transfer to Florida – Your license/ID must be in hand. Read our out-of-state driver license transfer publication.
- Add motorcycle endorsement – You must have proof of completion of a motorcycle safety course. Visit the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles' motorcycle rider education and endorsements page.
- Add "Veteran" designation – Visit the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles' military and veterans driver license and ID card page.
- Add or remove deaf or hard of hearing and developmental designation – Complete the developmental disability designation application.
If you do not see your transaction type listed above, read our full driver license services FAQ.
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