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Is there an extra fee when paying for property taxes online?
This answer has been viewed 22394 times and was last updated on 02/06/2019.
Payments made by credit card are processed by a secure third-party payment processor, who charges a 2.5% processing fee on the grand total of all transactions. This is necessary to cover the additional fee (also called interchange fees) that financial institutions and credit card companies charge payment processors for credit card purchases. Whereas private businesses can increase the prices they charge to "absorb" the cost of interchange fees, local government agencies cannot. Because of that, the processing fee must be paid by the customer to the payment processor. No part of the 2.5% fee is sent to or kept by the Manatee County Tax Collector's office.
To avoid the processing fee, you may pay your property taxes online by using your checking account information and electronically debiting the funds.
What legal authority does the tax collector have to charge a processing fee?
Florida statute 215.322 gives tax collectors the authority to do this.
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