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Back to search resultsCategory: Property Tax
What information and transactions are handled by the Manatee County Property Appraiser's office?
This answer has been viewed 22750 times and was last updated on 02/08/2022.
To request information or process any of the transactions listed below, please contact the Manatee County Property Appraiser's office. Read our property appraiser publication for contact information and additional details.
- Homestead Exemption application or questions
- Other exemption applications or questions, such as Widows, Low Income Senior, Disabled Veteran, Personal Property, etc.
- Assessed value questions
- Address/ownership changes or questions
- MH402 - Declaration of a mobile home as real property
- Locating a Parcel with no assigned address
- Maps and aerial photos of properties
- Request for real property split or combine
- Value proration sheet information
- Closure of a Tangible Personal Property business account
- TRIM (Truth in Millage) notices
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