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How do I clear a suspension, revocation, or cancellation on my driver license?
This answer has been viewed 60196 times and was last updated on 09/08/2022.
Save a Trip! Many suspensions, revocations and cancellations can be reinstated online! Please read the publication that applies to your situation for more information.
Financial responsibility (FR) insurance suspensions:
- FR DUI conviction or FR non-DUI conviction
- FR failure to provide insurance – court-ordered personal injury protection (PIP)
- FR habitual traffic offender
- FR judgment liability
- FR liability crash or accident
- FR personal injury protection (PIP) cancellation
- FR personal injury protection (PIP) crash
- FR points
- FR personal injury protection (PIP) registration – registration renewal
Note: Have you received a letter from the state regarding an FR Sanction case number starting with a 1 (liability crash or accident), 2 (failure to provide insurance), 7 [personal injury protection (PIP) cancellation], 8 [personal injury protection (PIP) registration] or 9 [personal injury protection (PIP) crash]? Visit the state's website for detailed instructions on how to keep your license valid.
- Point suspension – 12 points in 12 months, 18 points in 18 months, 24 points in 36 months
- Court-directed suspension
- Court financial suspension
- D6 suspension (FL) – applies to the following:
- Failed to appear on traffic summons
- Failed to comply with traffic summons
- Failed to complete court-ordered school
- School elected when not eligible
- Failed to attend school
- Failed to pay traffic fine
- Education non-compliance with school attendance – School dropout
- Out-of-state suspension or revocation
- Violation of Florida Statute 322.058 – Child support delinquent
- Violation of Chapter 893 controlled substance
- Fleeing and attempting to elude law enforcement
- Habitual traffic offender
- Out-of-state suspension or revocation
- Violation of Chapter 893 controlled substance
DUI suspensions, DUI revocations, and ignition interlock device:
- DUI suspensions:
- Administrative suspension for DUBAL or refusal – driving with unlawful blood alcohol level or refusal to submit to a test
- Administrative suspension for zero tolerance under 21 – under 21 and driving with unlawful blood alcohol level
- DUI revocation – driving under the influence, driving with unlawful blood alcohol level
- Ignition interlock device
- 3 crashes in 3 years
- Failed to complete school – ADI, BDI, driver improvement, traffic collision avoidance
- DUI schools, treatment, and supervision – failed to complete DUI school
Hardship Licenses and Bureau of Administrative Review (BAR)
- Hardship licenses – includes BAR office information
Sign up for electronic notifications when citations and/or sanctions are added to your record:
- MyDMVPortal.flhsmv.gov >> My Account >> Subscriptions >> "Monitor My Driver Record"
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